How to Breed Neocaridina Shrimps: A Simple Guide

Breeding Neocaridina shrimps, like Red Cherry Shrimp, is a fun and rewarding hobby. Here’s a straightforward guide to get you started:

1. Set Up Your Tank

  • Tank Size: A 10-gallon tank is ideal.
  • Water Conditions: Keep the temperature at 70-78°F (21-26°C), pH between 6.5-7.5, GH at 6-8, and KH at 0-4.
  • Filtration: Use a sponge filter for gentle filtration.
  • Substrate and Plants: Use dark substrate and add live plants like Java Moss and Anubias for hiding spots.

2. Choose Healthy Shrimps

  • Selection: Pick vibrant, healthy shrimps. Use a ratio of 1 male to 2-3 females.
  • Diet: Feed them high-quality shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables, and occasional protein-rich foods.

3. Breeding Process

  • Molting and Mating: Females molt before mating. Males will mate with molting females.
  • Carrying Eggs: Females carry eggs (“berried”) under their abdomen for 2-3 weeks


  1. Care for Baby Shrimps
  • Hatching: Baby shrimps (larvae) are tiny versions of adults. They need plenty of hiding spots.
  • Feeding: Provide powdered shrimp food, infusoria, and blanched vegetables.
  1. Maintain a Healthy Colony
  • Water Changes: Perform 10-20% weekly water changes.
  • Population Control: Monitor population to avoid overcrowding. Set up extra tanks or trade shrimps if necessary.


  • Failed Molts: Ensure adequate calcium and minerals.
  • Low Survival Rates: Keep stable water parameters and provide plenty of food and hiding spots.
  • Diseases and Pests: Regularly check for issues and quarantine new shrimps before adding them to the tank.


Breeding Neocaridina shrimps is simple with the right setup and care. Enjoy the process and happy shrimp-keeping!